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Category Archives: General

The maximun age in order to receive a Facelift

I am a 69 year old man. Is that too old for a face lift? My wife thinks I am ridiculous but I don’t think it is ever too late to look good. I am healthy; I had a colostomy several years ago but have had no problems since. At 69 years old, you are […]

Too young for a facelift?

Doctor, I am only 36 years old and would like a facelift. I spent most of my childhood outside and have some sun damage. I used to be a smoker as well. Am I too young for a facelift? If I have a facelift now, is there any way to predict how long those results […]

Can you still have a facelift if your hair is receding?

I am 57 years old and have noticed heaviness around my lower face. The skin is sagging around my jaw line. I would like a facelift but I have a slightly receding hairline. Is it possible to have a face lift with a receding hairline? I don’t want visible scars. Yes, it is possible to […]

Using steriods to reduce swelling after Rhinoplasty

Should I be placed on steroids after rhinoplasty to decrease swelling? I give one steroid dose to rhinoplasty patients during surgery through the IV. This medication helps minimize nausea and swelling after surgery. A recent study published in the medical journal, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, showed that steroid medication given after surgery may prolong bruising. […]

How long does a facelift last?

I am a 49 year old female looking to have a facelift, but how long do they last? Are there certain factors that make it more likely to need a second procedure in the future? The length a facelift lasts depends upon the technique used to perform the facelift. I rely on a tougher, fibrous […]

Avoiding the “wind swept” look when getting a facelift

How can I make sure that having a facelift will not give me a ‘wind swept’ look? Are there degrees of how tight the skin will be pulled? I avoid the “wind swept” result from a facelift. First, I do not rely upon the skin to achieve the pull in a facelift; in other words, […]

Nasal Skin Cancer Reconstruction

I am 48 years old, male and I have had surgery on my face and nose for skin cancer. While I did not lose most of my nose, there is a substantial gouge out of it. Would a nose job be necessary to fill the gouge? The prevalence of skin cancer is rising. Patients with […]

Nasal Tip “bulb” Surgey

The tip of my nose looks like it has a bulb on it and I think I would look better if it were made a bit smaller. Is fixing this nose problem called rhinoplasty? Can my nose be fixed from inside the nose? Yes, fixing your nose is considered a rhinoplasty. You may have wide/broad […]

Projection of the Nose

I have an under-projected nasal tip and would like to get this fixed with a nose job. How is this achieved? Projection of the nose refers to the length of the nose as demonstrated on profile view from the face to the nasal tip. Pinocchio is a classic example of an over-projected nose. Projection of […]

Follow-up Care for Facelift

What is the follow-up care like after a facelift? How many check-ups will I need and for how long? Following your facelift, you will be cared for by a nurse in a recovery suite for the first night. This is a complimentary service we provide all our facelift patients. The nurse is a professional, registered […]

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