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Category Archives: Rhinoplasty

What are the considerations for rhinoplasty on a 15-year-old?

My 15 year-old-daughter has been asking for a nose job. I, however, do not feel that it is appropriate for someone her age to have such a serious cosmetic procedure. What are the risks of a teen having this kind of surgery? The risks for rhinoplasty include but are not limited to bleeding, infection, risks […]

I broke my nose when I was a kid. Would a nose job fix such an old problem?

I broke my nose when I was a kid and the lump left behind has always been bothersome. Would a nose job be a smart choice in fixing such an old problem? A rhinoplasty would be a nice option to address the deformities caused by a previous nasal trauma. If you have other injuries related […]

Tips for reducing bruising and swelling afterward

I have my rhinoplasty scheduled in a month. Are there any tips that you would suggest for reducing bruising and swelling afterward? Bruising and swelling may occur after rhinoplasty surgery. We recommend you avoid aspirin, aspirin-containing products, ibuprofen, ibuprofen-containing products, and certain homeopathic/herbal medicines that may increase the risk of bleeding, bruising, and swelling. High […]

What are the most common surgical procedures performed for men in plastic surgery?

What are the most common surgical procedures performed for men in plastic surgery? According to statistics recently released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of men seeking out plastic surgery has increased by 2% last year. Facelifts increased by 14% and eyelid surgery (upper and/or lower blepharoplasty) increased by 6%. Non-surgical options, […]

Are there limitations to what can be achieved when performing rhinoplasty on African Americans?

Are there limitations to what can be achieved when performing rhinoplasty on African Americans? Yes, there can be some limitations when performing rhinoplasty on African Americans. First, the nasal skin is typically thicker and more sebaceous, thus limiting the amount of refinement of the nasal tip. Second, the nasal base is typically wider. In order […]

How common is bleeding after rhinoplasty and how much of a concern is it?

How common is bleeding after rhinoplasty and how much of a concern is it? It is not too common. I recommend you avoid aspirin, ibuprofen-containing products, and certain homeopathic medicines that increase risk of bleeding. Also, make sure you do not have high blood pressure; high blood pressure increases the risk of bleeding after surgery. […]

I’m African American and I’ve heard that skin thickness will factor into the result of my rhinoplasty.

I’m African American and I’ve heard that skin thickness will factor into the result of my rhinoplasty. How is this so? Thickness of the nasal skin plays an important part in rhinoplasty. I understand you have thick nasal skin. In your case, it is challenging to achieve definition of the nasal tip because the thick […]

The tip of my nose looks like it has a bulb on it and I think I would look better if it were made a bit smaller.

The tip of my nose looks like it has a bulb on it and I think I would look better if it were made a bit smaller. Is fixing this nose problem called rhinoplasty? Can my nose be fixed from inside the nose? A rhinoplasty would provide refinement to the tip of your nose. Several […]

Do you use digital imaging for rhinoplasty consultations and, if so, how accurate is the imaging?

Do you use digital imaging for rhinoplasty consultations and, if so, how accurate is the imaging? I do use digital imaging for rhinoplasty consultations. I find that it is a wonderful opportunity to discuss your aesthetic goals, particularly on the profile (side) view. I perform the digital imaging myself as I know what can and, […]

I have a large hump on my nose that I would like removed.

I have a large hump on my nose that I would like removed. I know that the upper part of the nose is bone, and the lower is cartilage. What happens if, during rhinoplasty, you accidentally took too much of the bone, or it didn’t break in just the right spot and a bigger piece […]

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