Juvederm Voluma is the latest injectable product from Allergan. The cutting-edge facial filler is designed to restore fullness in the cheeks, which can diminish over time as the face ages or due to heredity or weight loss. Dr. Batniji was chosen as a member of Allergan’s Advisory Board for Voluma, researching the effects and benefits of the newly FDA-approved filler and training other physicians in injection techniques. Although Dr. Batniji has been familiar with the injectable for some time and has used it with great reception at his practice, other surgeons throughout the area and the country have not been granted access to Voluma until recently when training began in December.

What causes volume loss in the cheeks?

Volume loss in the cheeks occurs for many reasons, including time and heredity. Weight loss can also contribute to less youthful fat in the cheeks. Cheek tissue can migrate from a higher position and settle in the lower face, such as the jowls. Procedures like the facelift will reduce fatty deposits and sagging in unwanted locations, but will not bring back fullness in the cheeks. Voluma injections offer a non-surgical alternative to having to undergo a second procedure, such as fat grafting or cheek implants.

An Age-Defying Procedure

Voluma was FDA-approved for use in the cheeks and mid-face in October 2013. The procedure is performed in approximately 15 minutes. No downtime is needed following injections and noticeable results last for up to 2 years, much longer than with regular Juvederm. Dr. Batniji customizes the procedure for each patient, attending to their individual needs. Voluma restores the youthful contours of the face by lifting the surrounding tissues, adding fullness, and creating the appearance of higher cheekbones. The procedure may also benefit other areas of the face, including hollows beneath the lower eyelids and smile lines.

Finding the Best in Facial Rejuvenation

Juvederm Voluma is a new procedure and, although safe, many physicians are not yet familiar with the first treatment for volume loss in the cheeks. The effects of Voluma are reversible, but when injections are performed correctly the need to do so is rare. Dr. Rami Batniji has gained extensive experience through his membership on Allergan’s Advisory Board for Voluma and has thoroughly researched the product. He has used Voluma with success in his own practice and trains other SoCal area physicians in proper injectable technique, beginning this December.

Dr. Batniji is Board Certified in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. Using the latest proven methods, he delivers the most natural-looking results to his patients. Call Batniji Facial Plastic Surgery at 949-650-8882 to schedule your consultation for Juvederm Voluma.