Retaining Ethnic Characteristics During Rhinoplasty Surgery

Cosmetic nose surgery is a great way to transform not just the nose but the entire look of the face. The nose can be altered in a number of ways, including the angle at which it projects away from the face, its size, and shape. An increasing number rhinoplasty patients are of varying ethnicities and display the characteristics that are common of their race, and while many of them seek to improve the look of their nose, they also want to retain their ethnic identity.
Just as the nose may share commonalities among members of the same race, other areas of the face also have features in common. Doctor Batniji, a Southern California facial plastic surgeon, works with a wide demographic of patients. When performing rhinoplasty, the doctor takes care to retain certain aspects of the nose or modify them in such a way that the nose does not appear out of place amongst the rest of the features. He understand the importance of creating a natural look.
A Failed Ethnic Rhinoplasty
One example of an over-modification of an ethnic nose can be noted in reality star Kim Kardashian. Earlier pictures of Kardashian show her nose to be proportionate on her face, along with her high cheekbones, almond-shaped eyes, and curvaceous lips. Her oval-shaped face is also desirably framed by her naturally thick eyebrows and feminine chin.
Over time, Kardashian’s look has evolved. While her hair and clothing styles are ever changing, the most dramatic transformation can be noted in the midface. The distance between Kardashian’s nose and upper lip has become greater, the middle of her nose has thinned, and the tip continues to look shorter and more “Western”. While Kardashian is half Caucasian, she is also one-half Armenian. Armenia is a country located on the continent of Asia, and has been historically considered part of the Middle East. With the continual modifications of her nose, some may argue that Kardashian’s nose now appears out of place among the remaining features and the overall harmony of her face has been affected.
Performing an Ethnic Rhinoplasty
Certain features of the nose can make it appear more ethnic, including the angle at which it projects away from plane of the midface, the width of the nostrils, the length of the nose, the presence or lack of a dorsal hump, and other characteristics. Because Dr. Batniji aims to provide patients with excellent rhinoplasty results, he considers the way the nose appears against the rest of the facial features in the background. During the surgical consultation, he can describe the aesthetic changes that would best suit the patient while preserving his or her individual look.
There are a number of different methods used to alter the nose during ethnic rhinoplasty. Patients of African or Asian decent may have low nasal bridges, and seek to extend the nose further away from the face. The doctor can use cartilage harvested from the patient’s own body to implant into the nose. These two ethnicities tend to feature wider nostrils, which may not be altered to preserve the natural beauty of either race. If other areas of the nose are altered, the changes may be minimal.
Patients with a Middle Eastern heritage may seek cosmetic nose surgery to remove a dorsal hump, shorten the length of the nose, or to alter the nose’s overall shape. Dr. Batniji will transform and beautify the feature, taking care to not create an under-projected nose. A slightly larger nose than what is found on the average Caucasian can actually enhance the exotic appeal of patients.
Rami K. Batniji, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Don’t hesitate to contact Rami K. Batniji, M.D., F.A.C.S. for a doctor-patient consultation. Those interested in undergoing an expertly-performed ethnic rhinoplasty will have the opportunity to express their aesthetic concerns while learning more about their chosen procedure. Dr. Batniji is now accepting new patients, and can be reached at his Newport Beach, California, office at telephone number – (949) 650-8882, his Beverly Hills, California office at – (310) 467-2180 or either office via the Patient Contact Form.