Teenage Rhinoplasty
If your teenager asks you for a nose job for his or her birthday, you probably shouldn’t run down to the nearest plastic surgeon, but you also shouldn’t immediately deny their request. Rhinoplasty is the most common type of cosmetic surgery performed on teenagers. It is not unheard of for teens to return from summer break with a new nose or another cosmetic procedure done. Despite this, cosmetic surgery is a major decision for parent and child and the decision should not be taken lightly.
Is your child old enough for rhinoplasty? Girls should be at least 15 or 16 years of age, and boys slightly older before they have any cosmetic surgery. If a rhinoplasty is performed before a teenager has finished growing there is a risk that the shape of their nose may change due to continued growth after the surgery and a revision rhinoplasty may be needed in the future.
In addition to physical maturity, you child should also be emotionally mature and have realistic expectations about their looks after surgery. They should not have surgery because they want to be more popular or look like a certain celebrity. They should also understand the time it takes to heal and be comfortable with the fact that the final result may not be exactly what they expected.
Can you afford this procedure? Unless it is deemed medically necessary, rhinoplasty is considered an elective procedure and is usually not covered by insurance. Your child should understand the financial obligations associated with this procedure.
If you and your teen decide that a rhinoplasty is the best option for his or her cosmetic needs, you should seek out a surgeon with significant experience performing rhinoplasty on younger patients. He or she should be able to explain the risks associated with teenage rhinoplasty and provide a plan for recovery.
If you and your teen are seriously considering cosmetic surgery, contact Dr. Batniji of Batniji Facial Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, California, for a consultation at 949-650-8882.