Modern plastic surgery has gotten to a point where serious complications are quite rare. This is great news—the safety of even in-depth procedures is now extremely high, and patients are enjoying less painful recovery periods. However, plastic surgery is still surgery, and patients should know what to look out for during the healing process, in case complications do arise. For many people, not knowing what is normal can create unwarranted fear and anxiety—emotions that do not help with the healing process. If you’re worried about the way your healing is progressing, what should you do? Should you contact your doctor right away? Here are some tips for remaining vigilant—but realistic during your recovery.

Know Your Procedure

Educating yourself about your procedure before the day of the surgery or treatment is a smart step. You will have underlying knowledge that could help you spot a problem before it gets worse. Reputable surgeons want you to understand the entire process, so don’t be shy about asking questions every step of the way.

Don’t Know What’s Normal? Ask!

If you’re not sure what is normal during your recovery, just ask! You should receive detailed instructions about how to care for yourself following your procedure, but if you notice something out of the ordinary, it’s much better to ask than to just wait and see what happens.

Keep an Eye out for Infection and Bleeding

Infection and bleeding are not common following modern plastic surgery, but they can occur, and you should be on the lookout for any signs of trouble. Injection or incision sites that are abnormally hot or overly painful may be signs of infection. You shouldn’t bleed much after most procedures, so if you’re seeing blood, that could be a sign of trouble.

Set Yourself Up For Success

The best way to avoid complications after cosmetic procedures is to follow your surgeon’s instructions as closely as possible. There may be some inconvenient or frustrating steps you’ll need to take following your procedure to heal properly, but just keep your thoughts on the payoff of beautiful results you’ll enjoy once the recovery period is over. You’ll be glad you did.

When in Doubt—Call

Finally, if you notice something that just does not seem right during the healing period, just call your surgeon and ask. It’s better to be safe and not risk allowing complications to develop, when a simple phone call can rule out many issues. If you are really concerned about an issue and your surgeon isn’t available, make your way to an emergency room and get the care you need.

A Reliable Resource

You want to know that your surgeon will be there for you with answers should you need them. That’s why it is so important to choose your surgeon wisely. Always choose a board certified facial plastic surgeon for your anti-aging and facial aesthetic procedures. These surgeons are highly skilled, rigorously trained, and dedicated to their patients’ well-being.

Dr. Rami K. Batniji is a dedicated facial plastic surgeon who offers beautiful results and compassionate care at Batniji Facial Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach (949-650-8882), and Beverly Hills (310-467-2180), CA. If you would like to discuss your options for facial rejuvenation, call either location today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Batniji.