Dr. Batniji,
My 20 year old son has severe acne. he has tried antibiotics and he has been on Acutane since mid-October. He is very upset that his acne has not gotten worse. He is, of course, under a doctors care in Upland where we live. Would you possibly have any advise or would an appointment with you be worth our drive to Orange County?
thank you for your thoughts.

Thank you for your inquiry. As you and your son may know, the treatment of acne is challenging. Part of the challenge is identifying the potential cause. There are many potential medical conditions that may result in acne. Therefore, the evaluation by a Dermatologist may be beneficial in the identification of the potential cause of your son’s acne. When it comes to the treatment of acne, we start with an analysis of skin care used by your son. Ideally, he is on a skin care program that includes active ingredients to address his acne. As well, the addition of a retinol has been scientifically proven to treat acne. Finally, there are some ancillary treatment options, such as Isolaz acne treatment, which may prove beneficial. Since your son will need close follow up, I recommend identifying a Dermatologist in your geographic area who is familiar with the management of acne. Again, thank you for your inquiry and best wishes to you and your son.

Rami K. Batniji, M.D., F.A.C.S.