I have wrinkling on my neck due to some weight loss. Would laser skin resurfacing improve the condition of the skin?
Published on by Batniji Facial Plastic Surgery
I have wrinkling on my neck due to some weight loss. Would laser skin resurfacing improve the condition of the skin?
Laser skin resurfacing may result in some tightening of the skin of the neck. There are laser systems that provide skin tightening without down time. These treatment modalities usually require a series of treatments. An example of such treatment is the SkinTyte by Sciton laser. If there is excessive skin following weight loss, you may most benefit from a necklift. A necklift is a surgical procedure with incisions hidden behind the ear to tighten the neck muscles and skin, thus providing a more youthful neckline.
Posted by Rami K. Batniji, M.D., F.A.C.S.