Can you fix my broad nasal structure without making me look too anglo?
I am a 27-year-old Hispanic woman. I have my family’s nose, which includes a very wide nasal bridge and wider nostrils. How would you fix these things but still retain my Hispanic identity?
If you have wide nasal bridge on frontal view and good appearance or hump to the bridge of the nose on profile view, then you would benefit from repositioning of the nasal bones with osteotomies to narrow the appearance of the nose. If you have a wide nasal bridge on frontal view and a weak dorsum or bridge of the nose, then you would benefit from dorsal augmentation which would give the illusion of narrowing the nasal bridge. Nostrils can be narrowed through nostril narrowing and sill narrowing techniques; essentially, a wedge excision of skin is performed. The incision is placed in the crease of the nostril so that it is well hidden.