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Facial Plastic Surgery Blog

Earlobe Repair by a Trusted Facial Plastic Surgeon

In our blog last week we wrote about the surgical procedure known as otoplasty (ear surgery). The term comes from “ous” the Greek word for ear and “plassein” meaning to shape. We noted what the surgery entails, and a few of the issues it can be used to correct such as ear pinning, or ear […]

Otoplasty to Shape the Ear

Do your ears protrude a bit more than you’d like? Or are they deformed in some other way? Then otoplasty (ear surgery) is the surgical procedure you need to correct and reshape your ears. This will lead to a more balanced appearance to suit the rest of the face as can be seen in our […]

Don’t Bring That Turkey Neck to Thanksgiving Dinner

Are you worried you might get mistaken for that cooked bird laid out on the dinner table this Thanksgiving? When you lose the definition in your profile and jaw, while gaining wrinkles, loose skin, and other unwanted features you may gain what is commonly referred to as a turkey neck. And some people are more […]

Do You Need Liposuction to Achieve Your Facelift Results?

A facelift surgery often involves several steps in order to achieve your desired results. As part of this intricate and delicate procedure, your facial plastic surgeon will remove or redistribute the fat cells that have collected around the chin and jaw. What exactly is meant by removing and redistributing this fat? Some patients have a […]

Plastic Surgeons: It’s Not Just Surgery

It’s a common assumption that plastic surgeons are all about performing surgery. Perhaps it’s because there isn’t a way to refer to their specialty without also including surgery or surgeon. But the doctors that work to correct and restore the form and function of the body have a growing number of non-surgical procedures available. Some […]

A Quick Overview of Eyelid Surgery

If you are looking tired and a bit aged, or beyond your years, then eyelid surgery (or blepharoplasty as it is medically known) may provide the youthful and refreshed appearance that eludes you. There are two types of blepharoplasty: upper and lower — depending on the eyelid being treated. They are both the result of […]

Put Your Best Chin Forward

A strong chin has long been associated with leadership, forthrightness, and even manliness. There’s Spartacus as portrayed by Kirk Douglas leading a slave revolt in Rome, George Washington fighting the British, or even Buzz Lightyear saving other toys, “to infinity… and beyond!” But it’s not just men who are concerned with their chins. You don’t […]

Combining Neck Lift and Facelift Surgeries for Best Results

Facelift surgery offers men and women many different anti-aging benefits, often erasing up to a decade from their appearance. Because aging doesn’t magically stop at the jawline, however, many patients find that the signs of aging on their neck become more obvious after a facelift. Neck lift surgery can be the perfect answer to the […]

How to Manage Bad Results From Your Rhinoplasty

When you’re planning for a rhinoplasty, you might already be worried about the consequences of what happens if something goes wrong. On the other hand, the idea might never cross your mind. While it’s good to be prepared, stressing out about results that haven’t happened yet won’t help you at all. When your procedure is […]

Something to Raise an Eyebrow At

Latisse is a cosmetic hair growth treatment that was developed by Allergan after the drug manufacturer created eye drops with a reported side effect of thicker eyelashes. Combining the medical and cosmetic worlds, this drug has been used for inadequate eyelashes. Latisse is currently approved by the FDA for the upper eyelids only. A second […]

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