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Facial Plastic Surgery Blog

Financing Your New Nose

The cost of rhinoplasty, or any cosmetic procedure for that matter, is one of the most important factors for many people when they decide to have plastic surgery. The cost of rhinoplasty is varied depending on geographic location and the experience of the surgeon. The following are points to consider when thinking about how to […]

Debunking the Myths of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of plastic surgery performed in the United States. Despite its popularity, there is a large amount of false information circulating about the procedure. The following are common myths about rhinoplasty: 1. Rhinoplasty is a painful procedure. Rhinoplasty is almost exclusively performed under general anesthesia, meaning that the […]

Blepharoplasty and Makeup

A common question that many patients have before having a blepharoplasty is how soon they can wear makeup again. This is an understandable concern, but patients should follow all of their surgeon’s instructions for recovery. After sutures have been removed (usually one week after surgery) and the swelling has subsided, some patients may wish to […]

Botox Myths

Botox is one of the most popular and widely used injectables used today. With something so popular, it is inevitable that myths, misconceptions, and false information would emerge about the product. The following are myths and facts about Botox injections: Myth: Botox is toxic to your body. This belief comes from the fact that Botox […]

Winter Skin Care

For those from warmer and sunnier climates, a ski trip to the mountains can be a much needed relief from the sun and heat. You may think that this time in the snow may also be a break from your usual skin care regimen, but that is not the way to go. You should continue […]

Maximizing Your Results While Recovering from Rhinoplasty

There are multiple reasons why people have nose surgeries. They could be for cosmetic reasons, to improve breathing, or a mixture of both. After surgery, though, all rhinoplasty patients share similar needs for recovery. Adhering to the following instructions will help you get to a fast and safe recovery, maximize your results, and help to […]

Improving the Ears with Cosmetic Surgery

Most people don’t realize it, but your ears are one of the most visible parts of your body and it can be very obvious when they are damaged. Years of wearing heavy earrings and mistakes during piercing can often require cosmetic repair. Some people simply wish to have old holes closed, while others may want […]

Ethnic Blepharoplasty

Many people have heard of eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, which improve aging conditions of the eye area, including sagging upper eyelids and puffy under-eye bags. However, there’s another, lesser-known form of eyelid surgery: Asian blepharoplasty. Also known as “double eyelid surgery”, this is a type of cosmetic surgery where the skin around the eye is […]

Men & Chin Augmentation

In the past few years, more and more men are considering having cosmetic surgery. One of the most popular procedures among men is chin augmentation. Several studies have shown that American adults believe that strong jawlines make them look younger and make them seem more successful in the workplace.  Many men desire a more prominent […]

Treating premature wrinkles from smoking

The medical risks associated with smoking are numerous–various cancers of the lungs and mouth, heart disease, and stroke can all be caused by years of tobacco use. A lesser-known result of smoking is premature wrinkling of the skin on the face and other parts of the body. Smoking causes wrinkling because the nicotine found in […]

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