We all know that for many things in life, prevention is far more effective than correcting problems that may come up along the way. Of course, there is no way to prevent problems like aging from creeping up eventually, but there is a lot we can do during any phase of life to keep signs of aging — wrinkles, sagging skin, discoloration — to a minimum. Even if you are currently young with beautiful, glowing skin, it pays to think about the future and protect your facial skin from factors that accelerate aging. So what are some steps you can take to fight aging?

Minimizing Signs of Aging With Lifestyle

One of the best ways to minimize skin damage and protect yourself from early aging is to practice a healthy lifestyle. Your body responds to both external and internal factors, which can show over time in your skin, whether these influences are good or bad. With this in mind, here are some things you can do to keep your skin looking young even as you get older. While most of these are obvious, it can be hard to change habits without reminders.

  • Protect your skin from the sun at all times
  • Eat a healthy diet, low in sugars and processed foods
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get enough sleep
  • Keep your stress to a minimum
  • Develop a skincare routine
  • Get professional skincare

Anti-Aging Through the Decades

Though everyone has a different rate and pattern of aging, there are trends that occur throughout the decades. Here are some changes you can expect in each decade of life, along with some actions that could slow down the aging process.


During your twenties, your skin is typically youthful and glowing. It’s important to enjoy yourself, but also remember how your lifestyle will affect your skin later on. You should be diligent about prevention methods, particularly sun protection and skin care. At this time, you could start mild chemical peels or other skin refreshers too keep your skin healthy and glowing as you progress through your twenties.


Sadly, many people start seeing their first signs of aging in their thirties. Lines in the forehead and aging in the eye area are often first to appear. Many people seek their first treatments, like Botox and fillers, or even minor surgical procedures, like an endoscopic browlift. Starting treatments early will serve you well as you get older.


Your forties are usually when you start noticing more significant signs of aging. Wrinkles will deepen and you may notice loose and sagging skin. This is caused by loss of collagen in the skin, a vital protein that lends structure, support, firmness, and elasticity to the skin. Production of collagen and levels in the skin start to drop as we age, which leads to sagging in all areas of the face. Many people consider procedures such as blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) or a mini facelift during this phase of life.


During your 50s, plastic surgery may be a good solution to aging that continues to creep up. If you’ve maintained your skin well, you may not need an invasive procedure, but many people consider a facelift at this age.

60s and Beyond

For people who wish to pursue facial treatments at age 60 and beyond, there are certainly options available. However, there are also additional health and safety concerns that must be addressed. Patients must be healthy enough to undergo the procedure in question, and the results may not be as satisfactory. The good news is that even though aging cannot be stopped, its trademarks can be mitigated.

Types of Procedures

If you’re considering anti-aging treatments, then you have a lot of options available. There are treatments available to cater to nearly every need and budget. Whether you’re looking for something gentle and minimally invasive with no downtime, like an injectable treatment, or a dramatic surgical solution, such as a facelift, a plastic surgeon can help you customize your treatment plan to suit your needs.

Choosing a Surgeon

Whether you’re looking to start mild skin treatments or are considering plastic surgery, it’s never too late or too early to look and feel your best. Your best ally will be a talented facial plastic surgeon who will evaluate you and give you knowledgeable, honest advice about the treatment plan that will work best for you.

Trusting your face to anyone can be scary and difficult, so for your results and peace of mind, you should only speak with board certified plastic surgeons who specialize in facial procedures and anti-aging, like Dr. Rami K. Batniji. Dr. Batniji is one of only a few surgeons in the Newport Beach (949-650-8882) and Beverly Hills (310-467-2180) areas devoted solely to facial procedures. Call either office today for more information about our services, and to schedule an informational consultation with Dr. Batniji.